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Age with "sui"

Use (suì) to tell someone your age. The sentence pattern is a bit different from English, however.


The structure for telling someone's age with (suì) is:
Subj. + Number +

This is equivalent to someone "is x years old" in English. Notice that you don't need to include any verb when you use (suì).


✔ 我 20  
Wǒ èrshí suì.
I am 20 years old.

  妈妈 今年 45  
Wǒ māma jīnnián sìshí-wǔ suì.
My mother is 45 years old this year.

  儿子   半。
Wǒ érzi yī suì bàn.
My child is one and a half years old.

  爷爷 今年 80  吗?
Nǐ yéye jīnnián bāshí suì ma
Is your grandpa eighty years old this year?

  女朋友 20  吗?
Tā nǚpéngyou yě èrshí suì ma?
Is his girlfriend also twenty years old?

Note that you don't need the verb  (shì) in any of these sentences, and you don't need a measure wordlike  (gè) either. In fact, it would be incorrect to use either of those with (suì):

ㄨ  孩子    
Wǒ de háizi yī gè suì.

ㄨ  孩子    
Wǒ de háizi shì yī suì.

Wǒ de háizi yī suì.
My child is one year old.


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